Excellent analysis and hilarious closing statement…The Worshipful Company of Tax Advisors! lol That said I can understand that in a profession that still much cares about packaging and is not always willing to analyse content, an effort like this would be much welcomed by its members… I am sure eventually lessons will be learned because the skillset is there and the service-delivery is regular. Regards, Stefaan Reply
Zeno wrote: “…despite the College failing to meet the requirements set out by the Privy Council, it was interference in that process by the DoH that produced the Royal Charter a mere six weeks later” Tweeted by David Colquhoun on Twitter today: Quote “FOI shows Privy Council stopped Royal Charter for #chiropractors cos of complaints by @zeno001 et al, but Jeremy Hunt approved it anyway” Appalling. Reply
And here are the relevant pages from that FOIA response: Royal Charter put on hold because of complaints by me and Simon Perry Approval by Jeremy Hunt There is more to come…but I’m waiting for further information. Reply
It’s happened: Quote Chiropractic rules February 28, 2013 at 6:07 pm Establishment of The Royal College of Chiropractors Further to the granting of a Royal Charter to the College of Chiropractors in November 2012, the Queen has now given permission for the College to change its name to The Royal College of Chiropractors. The title Royal was sought to help the public understand that the College has a similar role to the Medical Royal Colleges in terms of promoting standards for practice quality, running postgraduate training for new graduates, providing continuing professional development opportunities and supporting research. Tim Jay, President of The Royal College of Chiropractors, said: ‘It is particularly important, now that NHS funding for chiropractic treatment is emerging, that patients are aware of their treatment choices, that they know the care chiropractors provide for low back pain is a valid option supported by NICE and that the familiar entity of a Royal College is helping to support their interests.’ N.B. Within the profession, the College is a voluntary membership organisation which complements the General Chiropractic Council and the professional associations by supporting chiropractors to practice according to patient expectations, to implement good standards of governance, and to base their practice on patient-recorded measures of efficacy and satisfaction. To find out more, visit http://www.colchiro.org.uk http://www.quackometer.net/blog/2012/11/the-royal-college-of-vestigial-victorian-fairground-mystic-bone-setters.html#comment-67556 Reply
Professor Edzard Ernst has caught up with this latest development: http://edzardernst.com/2013/03/what-is-next-a-royal-college-of-window-salesmen/ Reply