I just want to comment on the question above: ”Is it safe for my child to be treated by a chiropractor?” The chiropractor will look at his or her patient as a whole person and consider their lifestyle when making recommendations for treatment. Once an issue has been diagnosed, the chiropractor can recommend a number of drug-free therapies that can provide relief from symptoms and treat the underlying cause of the concern. The treatment plan is highly individualized and will likely include a series of visits with the chiropractor for follow-up. So no need to worry. It is better to consult a doctor than to put the life of your child at risk. Reply
Zeno wrote about the content of the BCA’s confidential document: “Why are they so adamant that these notes are not distributed? What’s in them they wouldn’t want the media, the public or their customers to see? After all, it is just what they think of the evidence for the efficacy of chiropractic and its safety, so why not be open about it? And if they thought the article was in some way inaccurate, perhaps they could have asked the DM for a chance to respond; to ‘set the record straight’ as they might see it?” It seems to me that what we’re looking at here is nothing other than barefaced dishonesty. Can anyone see how the BCA can possibly reconcile their stance above with their assertion that they “welcome full, frank and open scientific debate”? See here: http://www.chiropractic-uk.co.uk/gfx/uploads/textbox/Singh/BCA%20Statement%20170609.pdf Coincidentally, readers might be interested to know that Professor Edzard Ernst has blogged on this BCA issue today: http://edzardernst.com/2013/04/strictly-confidential-for-chiropractors-only/ Reply
@Chiro Concepts Yes, we all know what chiros do and what they claim to be able to do. What seems to be lacking is much good evidence that what they do actually has any benefit or is safe. It is better to consult a doctor than to put the life of your child at risk. Entirely agree. Reply
Persistent headaches can be caused by many things. Yes, in most cases it is stress and bad posture, but there are also tumours, blood vessel malformations, dissections, liver/kidney failures…. Problem is that chiropractors are fixated on the spine, so on should apply to them only after all other doctors, including specialist in spine diseases, but it does not happen this way. Reply
Yes you are correct that headaches can be caused by things like tumours, blood vessel malformations etc. However the vast majority of headaches do come from musculoskeletal issues. Can you imagine the strain on doctors if everyone who had a headache went to them demanding an MRI scan. They already are overran with people wanting antibiotics for a cough. If someone has a sore knee should they go to a doctor first in case its cancer?! No clearly not. The first place someone should go is a practitioner who specialises in helping people with the common problems such as musculoskeletal issues. If this doesn’t help then they will refer the patient for further investigations. Reply
If only chiropractic was recommended by a national body that evaluates the best available evidence, such as NICE… Reply