Thank you so much for this. Have to say it’s unlikely Dana Ullman ever understood (or even actually read) the Swiss report. Reply
Excellent analysis, many thanks to all involved, especially Nancy Malik whose tireless devotion to demonstrating homeopathy’s inability to understand the scientific method is unequalled by anyone other than perhaps Dullman himself. Reply
Excellent work, gentlemen. Who would have guessed that something hailed by DUllman et al as being neutral and scientifically rigourous turns out to be almost the exact opposite. I for one am shocked beyond belief. Reply
Thanks for the post. I’m now looking forward to Ullman, Malik et al diluting their enthusiasm for the Swiss Report. Reply
good work chaps – detailed rebuttals of this nature are really important so that skeptics have on record a way of countering the “but look, the neutral Swiss government say homeopathy works!” type argument. ta P Reply
Wow, that is a very thorough piece of work. Kudos to you for putting the effort in! This is a great illustration that bloggers can sometimes knock traditional media into a cocked hat when it comes to in-depth and thorough reporting. Reply
Thanks for the thorough summing up of this complicatedly simply thicket of distortions. This is an important point: “…so even if their conclusions were valid, they cannot be extrapolated to the homeopathic treatment of any other condition.” The fact is easily obscured, that homeopaths aren’t just quibbling over the odd “positive” review for a cough remedy. They see such trivial results as justifying their entire system, as well as proving the poverty of evil and materialistic “allopathic” medicine. They use this to leap straight into: “The Swiss Government confirms we have discovered a cure for cancer, dengue fever, small pox, leprosy” etc. Reply
I think you need to get out more! To spend so much time trying to discredit a relatively harmless complementary therapy that many people want to use and believe does them good, suggests to me that you need to see a doctor. Reply
John Thank you for trying to tell me what I should do in my spare time and for being concerned for my mental health. Homeopathy discredits itself, of course, but what I object to is the misrepresentation and spin that has been put on the HTA by homeopaths and their supporters. This is misleading and might leave those not familiar with it to think that homeopathy is a real medicine when the evidence shows otherwise. I hope you will share those concerns. Reply
John In addition to Zeno’s comment, I also find it remarkable that governments are repeatedly (!) forced to undertake such evaluations, costing millions of Francs / Euros / Pounds, just to make the scientifically already well established point that these ‘therapies’ are ineffective, and that if people want them anyway, they should pay them out of their own pocket. Reply
In addition to Zeno’s comment, I also find it remarkable that governments are repeatedly (!) forced to undertake such evaluations, costing millions of Francs / Euros / Pounds, just to make the scientifically already well established point that these ‘therapies’ are ineffective… Especially when you look at the recent research. According to figures from the BHA, who put these figures on their website in a document that is periodically updated, as of 2005 there had been 119 RCTs of homoeopathy, of which 58 were positive, 57 “inconclusive” (by which they mean there was no significant difference between homoeopathy and placebo) and 4 negative (bt which they mean that homoeopathy actually performed significantly worse than placebo or some other comparator). Their current figures, up to the end of 2010, are 156 RCTs, of which 64 were positive, 81 “not statistically conclusive” and 11 negative. That means that since 2005, the year in which the original PEK decision was made, there have been 37 new trials, of which only 6 could be described as “positive”. Homoeopaths often describe homoeopathy as having a “growing evidence base”, but it doesn’t seem to be growing in the direction they imply. On the positive side, maybe they are getting better at designing and conducting RCTs. Reply
Mojo Good point. In addition, always remember (as shown by Shang et al. and cited in the blog post) that the absolute number of “positive” vs. “negative / inconclusive” trials is also heavily biased to overestimate the importance of “positive” trials, since they tend to be the smaller and less rigorous ones. The issue of potentially overestimating effect sizes due to biases [like small sample size] appears especially large for homeopathy studies. This is exactly why meta-analyses are needed: To give the best estimate of the actual effect, across all available studies. And here homeopathy always looses out. Reliably. Reply
I have to keep saying this. In spite of the RCTs (and however shoddy or dubious the “positive” ones are), there are no actual cases to demonstrate any claimed effectiveness. In every branch of real medicine there are detailed recorded cases to study, that anyone can question, replicate or disprove. With homeopathy there is no such thing. After more than 200 years there should be millions, yet homeopaths can’t produce a single incontrovertible, verifiable example. Anecdote and fantasies, yes, by the score. Real examples, not millions, not even one. It is all demonstrably marketing, smoke and mirrors, involving misrepresentation, word games and often downright lying. It is first and foremost a business, and a fraudulent one at that. And it is presented as if it were religion, with which it shares almost every significant characteristic. Absolute and unquestionable, incapable of error, and relying on religious like stories and rituals. It even has its own bible, god, theology and various sects. Homeopathy is demonstrably ignorance and gullibility writ large. And, to continue the religious theme, I think it’s not too outrageous to suggest that the reasons people want to become homeopaths are the same as for wanting to become a priest or vicar. Reply
Did ya find out WHICH 8 trials were analysed by Shang?- Why doesn’t anyone want to divulge this information? Not got anything to hide, or……………… Reply
Andrew The list of those eight trials is freely available on the Internet to anyone capable of using a search engine. Reply
Zeno thanks for a good article. However, until such time that homeopathic potion pushers (I mean expensive bottled water marketers) provide a logical and plausible mechanism that doesn’t violate every basic fact of physics and chemistry, I’m not even going to worry about Dana Ullman and his delusions and lies. And any homeopath that is capable of reading (so far, obviously Sikorski is incapable of that), spare me the Argument from Ignorance that the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Reply
D’jaa have the 8 trials or not- bet you can’t answer my request except with a snide side-swipe- innit!? Mike- if it works why do you need to know a logical and plausible mechanism? Do you take Paracetamol? What happened in the nanoseconds before the ‘big bang’ and yet you are alive and breathing- take a deep breath, brother, love you hugely!! Reply
Have you tried looking in the journal the paper was published in? The information was provided there over six years ago. See also The Myth of the Secret Eight. Reply
I was sad to see that by politics in the teeth of the evidence, the assorted quacks got public funding in Switzerland from 1998-2005 and 2012-2017, with no reason to expect them to accept reality in 2017. Reply
Thank you for a comprehensive and very logical exposition of the report and its history. This will be a reference for anyone interested in the facts of homeopathy. Reply
I know for a fact Ullman never read the report. On another forum he was in a discussion about it, but as soon as he was asked about certain sections and the wording of parts of the report on particular pages, he stopped posting immediately. Reply
Andew Sikorski, you said: if it works why do you need to know a logical and plausible mechanism? Do you take Paracetamol? The inference is that conventional science has neither a “logical or plausible” mechanism for the analgesic action of paracetamol. This is quite untrue, as you should know. You are a doctor, aren’t you? Do you not have to undergo educational updates on relevant issues, or do CPD? Or do you just acquire those homeopathically by walking past the medical library occasionally? Hint – check up COX-2 and COX-3 inhibitors, and TRPA1. Google will do, if you can’t find your way to PubMed, like other doctors do. It is sad to see someone like you resporting to the worst of logical fallacies to debate this issue. Oh, and have you found those 8 studies from Shang yet? Reply
You folks are in such sweet denial…and it is fun to watch you spin this and spin that. As for DeeTee’s assertion that I have not read the report, he is speaking out of ignorance or just plain being deceitful (I’m not surprised). I own a copy of the Swiss report…and in fact, my company now sells this report published by Springer. I also could not help but notice that you chose to not mention that 67% (!) of the Swiss public voted to include homeopathy, herbology, acupuncture, Anthroposophical medicine, and prolotherapy into the Swiss government’s national health insurance plan. How can you spin and misinterpret this one? It will be fun to watch you spin in the wind on this one… It is also fun to watch you folks talk about Shang without mentioning any of its serious flaws, while taking out the electron microscope to your analysis of any trial or review of homeopathy that has had a positive result. The lack of a good or health “scientific attitude” is palpable. My sincere condolences to you… Reply
Dana Ullman said: You folks are in such sweet denial…and it is fun to watch you spin this and spin that. If you spot any factual errors, please do let us know. As for DeeTee’s assertion that I have not read the report, he is speaking out of ignorance or just plain being deceitful (I’m not surprised). I own a copy of the Swiss report…and in fact, my company now sells this report published by Springer. Good for you and thanks for declaring your conflict of interest. Perhaps you’d now like to read our blog post properly? You said: I also could not help but notice that you chose to not mention that 67% (!) of the Swiss public voted to include homeopathy, herbology, acupuncture, Anthroposophical medicine, and prolotherapy into the Swiss government’s national health insurance plan. We said: The Swiss parliament made a somewhat softened counter-proposal to the campaign’s phrasing, and in 2009 a public referendum endorsed it by a two to one majority. Just in case your maths isn’t up to it, that is saying that 67% of those who voted, voted in favour of the proposition. However, since the turnout was only 38.3% of the eligible Swiss public, you are wrong to try to assert that 67% of the Swiss public voted for it. Numbers are important, aren’t they? How can you spin and misinterpret this one? It will be fun to watch you spin in the wind on this one… Foot. Mouth. It’s the homeopathists who have been trying to spin this one, I’m afraid, by misrepresenting a report written by homeopaths as being endorsed by the Swiss Government. You did read the bit where the PEK had to revise (downwards) the homeopaths’ over-optimistic conclusions because they were biased, didn’t you? It is also fun to watch you folks talk about Shang without mentioning any of its serious flaws, while taking out the electron microscope to your analysis of any trial or review of homeopathy that has had a positive result. The lack of a good or health “scientific attitude” is palpable. My sincere condolences to you… I’ll leave it to readers of this blog to decide who it is who is doing all the spinning. Reply
Dana really seems to have missed the point that the HTA was written by people with an interest in CAM & in many ways was akin to the submission by homeopaths to the UK HoC Evidence Check on homeopathy. It failed as well. Reply
Does DUllman’s telling us that he OWNS a copy of the Swiss report, and sells it, per se mean he has READ it? I’d have said not. In fact, a person whose intellectual vanity far exceeds their knowledge might well also be the kind of person who would buy a book and sit it prominently on their shelves so more impressionable people might THINK they had read it. And, needless to say, even reading something is not the same as ‘processing, understanding and critique-ing’ it. A process which tends to depend on whether you have any idea what you are talking about in the first place. Reply
Irrespective of the report, which Dullman clearly has neither read nor understands, the substantive issue is that neither Dullman nor any other homeopath can produce a single case where homeopathy has incontrovertibly cured anything at all – not self-limiting and particularly not non-self-limiting. Blusterers and shysters all of them. Dullman argues by weight of anecdote and volume of dubious authority. He is a fact-free zone. There is no point in arguing with him because he’s like the Black Knight of the Holy Grail. Reality isn’t his thing (not in public at any rate) because his bank balance depends on his apparent belief in the homeopathic fantasy. The epitome of a homeopathic brain, infinitely diluted, he would claim that confers on him more a powerful intellect. Engaging him in an argument about the Swiss Government’s attitude towards homeopathy is ultimately as pointless as trying to convince the Black Knight he has no limbs, or the Emperor he has no clothes. The only choice to make regarding Dullman and every other homeopath is whether they are in reality quite deluded, or simply unprincipled frauds. Reply
What exasperates me is the professional envy of obviously bonkers Homeopaths and their pathetic rivalry with medical professionals that can rely on much more clinically significant data sets for their ongoing practice. If Homeopathy, and Homeopathists were less ambitious and pompous I think we could all accept such therapies as Placebo medicine, although the problem with Placebo is that it relies on people “believing” in something that might otherwise have little or no effect. The research on Placebo medicine is quite good, good enough to enable a Homeopath to claim that Homeopathy can be effective, but too frequently they overstep the important theoretical and practical boundaries between faith, magic, medicine and science. Mostly it is about hijacking good work done in good faith, co-opting the findings to reInforce their own, petite-bourgeoise CAM enterprise (which is of course about making sure that people believe in Homeopathy, in order for the Placebo to be as affective as possible and not for clients to understand it or come even close to explaining it). There is no right or wrong here, just shades of wonk and provided that individuals are directed to the most appropriate source of help for whatever health issue they are concerned about, there is enough medicine in the world for more than just scientifically proven medicine, but to even try to suggest that Homeopathy falls within this latter group I think is what one might call a category error? Reply
@Matt Placebo therapies are all very well if used on patients who aren’t really ill, but homoeopaths don’t restrict themselves to these. One of the complaints they most often claim to be able to treat is asthma. This is a condition that kills over a thousand people each year in this country. Treating asthma with a placebo may make the patient feel better about it, but it doesn’t actually have any significant effect on the flow of air into their lungs. This is dangerous because it will make them less likely to seek proper medical care, and make them more likely to reduce any medication that they are already taking. If patients seek placebo therapy for their symptoms they will pretty much inevitably delay seeking proper medical care, and there are all sort of conditions for which this delay can make the eventual outcome worse. Reply
Lol………… What an amount of fear running out there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reply
Lol………… What an amount of fear running out there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once again homeopaths resort to anecdotes masquerading as evidence. Anecdotes (partial or otherwise) do not = clinical case. Anyway there should be shed loads of clinical cases (millions of them), but in reality there are none. Stories from deluded wannabe doctors making dodgy diagnoses and fantasising results do not count. could be renamed Bollox-r-us, and no-one would notice. Reply
When you read the words of someone charismatic like Dana Ullman, they appear at first to convey, simple, honest, resolute truth. Then you read something like this –thorough, appraising, deep and broad — and it becomes a wonder that Ullman’s simplistic appeals to authority ever hold sway. Reply
Blimey, I never expected to see the words ‘Ullman’ and ‘charismatic’ in the same sentence. He comes across as a complete buffoon to me. Reply
In the words of the Great Prophet Zarquon, “Er, Hello everybody, sorry I’m late. ” Only just read Zeno’s analysis and I’m glad to see DUllman has turned up. As for DeeTee’s assertion that I have not read the report, he is speaking out of ignorance or just plain being deceitful (I’m not surprised). I own a copy of the Swiss report…and in fact, my company now sells this report published by Springer. My first reaction to his post was exactly that of Dr Aust; Does DUllman’s telling us that he OWNS a copy of the Swiss report, and sells it, per se mean he has READ it? I’d have said not. In fact, a person whose intellectual vanity far exceeds their knowledge might well also be the kind of person who would buy a book and sit it prominently on their shelves so more impressionable people might THINK they had read it. What follows is obviously pure speculation, a thought experiment if you like. Suppose there was an unscrupulous bullshitter who makes a living by playing fast and loose with the truth whose income depends in applying maximum hyperbole. But also suppose that deep down, there is a little nugget of honesty that prevents this person telling an absolute outright lie. If that person was accused of not having read a certain book and they had not, but they had in their possession copy of it and indeed even made money selling copies, might they make a big play of owning it and marketing it and just hope that no one asked flat out whether they had actually read it in its entirety because that would leave only two options, either snap that final thread of personal honesty or reveal the extent of the bullshitting and the careful word games that had been played. Obviously, I’m just speculating. In other news, DUllman, have you read the entirety of the Swiss report (apparently published by Springer) that is the subject of Zeno’s analysis? A nice clear answer would be excellent. Reply
I’m never sure what it takes to bring DUllman down upon us. Is it repetition of his name? Dana Ullman Dana Ullman Dana Ullman Or do I have to get a hard-boiled egg and paint bright beady eyes then stick pins in it to awaken his demonic majesty? Yikes!! Reply
Hello BSM – fancy finding you here. Making perfect sense as usual. Your explanation of bullshit is a very neat précis of Harry Frankfurts “On Bullshit” and Stephen Law’s “Believing Bullshit”. I doubt if you are a stranger to either of them, but just in case. You just have to avoid the lie. How you do it is down to you and your hyperbolic creative ability. Having spent the last 30 years in IT sales I speak as an expert. I would not say Dana Ullman three times in front of a mirror. Like The Candyman he might suddenly materialise and homeopathetic you to death. Reply
I posted this at Quackometer first, but I thought I’d spread its antibody goodness here. DUllman appears like a virus on various sceptic websites. Posts and runs. In this context, I wonder whether things like this link would serve as antibodies to be deployed as soon as he appears. You never know, one day he might choose to engage meaningfully with the problems he creates for himself. Reply
Being objective, Zenon indicates that the Swiss report is biased and cherry picking in the above general form. But I remain skeptical surprisingly have never criticized the other report Being a highly favorable report on the Sense About Science, and alos lobbyists skeptical. Sera that I am not surprised by this attitude of skeptics double herdsman. Reply
HOMOEOPATHY: Placebo or Science- Extreme Homeopathic Dilutions retain starting materials- A nanoparticulate perspective : research Paper by IIT researchers Prashant , A.K.Suresh, Jayesh Bellare & Shantaram Govind Reply
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.1 drops of Homoeopathic medicine is added in 1/4th glass of water… Medicinal parts still disperse into the water. Reply
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Yes, that is a major problem for a system of medicine that claims that you can dilute its remedies indefinitely without running out of the starting material. Reply
Although I read this fantastic takedown of the HTA report by Zeno et al., I did not comment because I couldn’t add anything substantive to this magnificent effort. But by Toutatis, it is incredibly strange and irritating that odd homeoquackery proponents are still popping up here and there, and referring to this report as ‘evidence’ for. A Kurt Robinson dropped by an old blog post of mine on an awful water memory video that was doing the rounds then; in the comments, what does he flash as evidence of studies proving ‘efficacy’ of homeopathy? The friggin’ HTA report. Gaaah!! 1 drops (sic) of Homoeopathic medicine is added in 1/4th glass of water… Medicinal parts still disperse into the water Ain’t no ‘medicinal parts’ in homeopathic ‘medicine’. Go back and revisit your high school chemistry textbooks, Fambol. Reply
This blog is written by people who have no understanding of medical science. They write out exotic names (like above or quackometer, whatstheharm etc.) and are in business of deriding homeopathy- a subject they have no clue about. They continue to quote high school science to prove their point indicating the level of their academic achievements and understanding. They write under pseudo names, write at many sites and cross reference these sites to prove invalid points. To support themselves, they find a set of people who sing in unison at all these sites and write out personal insults to anyone who disagrees to an extent that he/she leaves the site disgusted by the approach. The blogger would even moderate what is written against the blog under ” I have to protect my honor”. Interesting business model. Reply
Homeopathy is derided as a belief – it is not evidence based. Let us look at what doctors have to say about evidence based medicine? David Eddy, the former cardiovascular surgeon at Stanford turned Duke University mathematics PhD, who has devised a new computer model called ARCHIMEDES which has shown him that most, if not all, treatments for chronic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure do more harm than good. During his long and controversial career proving that the practice of medicine is more guesswork than science, Eddy showed that the annual chest X-ray (routine check up) was worthless, over the objections of doctors who made money off the regular visit. He proved that doctors had little clue about the success rate of procedures such as surgery for enlarged prostates. He traced one common practice — preventing women from giving birth vaginally if they had previously had a cesarean — to the recommendation of one lone doctor. Eddy liked to cite a figure that only 15% of what doctors did was backed by hard evidence. That was 1986. Now move on to 2006: Eddy showed that the conventional approach to treating diabetes did little to prevent the heart attacks and strokes that are complications of the disease. In his career, he has never been afraid to take a difficult path or an unpopular stand. “Evidence-based” is a term he coined in the early 1980s, and it has since become a rallying cry among medical reformers. The goal of this movement is to pierce the fog that envelops the practice of medicine — a state of ignorance for which doctors cannot really be blamed. “The limitation is the human mind,” Eddy says. Where does the human mind figure in the RCT for drugs? Reply
Avijit said: This blog is written by people who have no understanding of medical science. Thanks for your (wrong) opinion. They write out exotic names (like above or quackometer, whatstheharm etc.) What other call their blogs is none of my concern nor did they ask me to help them choose a name. However, I’m fascinated to learn that you think names like whatstheharm are ‘exotic’. It’s irrelevant, of course. and are in business of deriding homeopathy- a subject they have no clue about. Homeopathy can be derided by anyone with even a basic understanding of physics, chemistry and biology. However, if you ever spot an error in my blog, please feel free to let me know. They continue to quote high school science to prove their point indicating the level of their academic achievements and understanding. High school science is all it takes to show homeopathy is nonsense. They write under pseudo names My name as the author and owner of this site is clearly given. write at many sites and cross reference these sites to prove invalid points. I only write blog posts here (although I comment on many others – as you do), but if you spot any invalid points, please feel free to point them out. I notice you’ve not done that yet. To support themselves, they find a set of people who sing in unison at all these sites and write out personal insults to anyone who disagrees to an extent that he/she leaves the site disgusted by the approach. The blogger would even moderate what is written against the blog under ” I have to protect my honor”. I have found no such people. All are free to comment if they want (as you have done), of course, as long as they abide by the rules (as you have not done). In fact many detractors do come on here (we’ve even have the great Dana Ullman making an idiotic comment, but he never returned after I corrected his wrong assertions). Interesting business model. This is not a business. I pay for this out of my own pocket and receive no inome from it or for it – even not a penny from any pharmaceutical company. Now, perhaps you’d like to stick to the topic of this blog post? Reply
Avijit said: Homeopathy is derided as a belief – it is not evidence based. It’s homeopathy that’s a belief and certainly not based on robust evidence. If you have any robust scientific evidence for homeopathy, you might like to pass it on to the Swiss Government so you can save homeopathy there. Let us look at what doctors have to say about evidence based medicine? Why? What has that got to do with the topic of this blog: the Swiss Government’s decision about homeopathy? You then go on to copy and paste from an article in a business magezine website… David Eddy, the former cardiovascular surgeon at Stanford turned Duke University mathematics PhD, who has devised a new computer model called ARCHIMEDES which has shown him that most, if not all, treatments for chronic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure do more harm than good. During his long and controversial career proving that the practice of medicine is more guesswork than science, Eddy showed that the annual chest X-ray (routine check up) was worthless, over the objections of doctors who made money off the regular visit. He proved that doctors had little clue about the success rate of procedures such as surgery for enlarged prostates. He traced one common practice — preventing women from giving birth vaginally if they had previously had a cesarean — to the recommendation of one lone doctor. Eddy liked to cite a figure that only 15% of what doctors did was backed by hard evidence. The figure of 15% is utterly wrong, of course. The figure of 15% comes from a small survey of GPs in the north of England in 1961 – half a century ago. Fortunately for us, much has changed in the last 50 years. But this survey was never intended to assess the degree to which GPs were evidence-based, but rather was looking at controlling prescribing costs in terms of generic versus proprietary drugs. Utterly irrelevant to the subject of the Swiss Government and homeopathy. That was 1986. Now move on to 2006: Eddy showed that the conventional approach to treating diabetes did little to prevent the heart attacks and strokes that are complications of the disease. In his career, he has never been afraid to take a difficult path or an unpopular stand. “Evidence-based” is a term he coined in the early 1980s, and it has since become a rallying cry among medical reformers. The goal of this movement is to pierce the fog that envelops the practice of medicine — a state of ignorance for which doctors cannot really be blamed. “The limitation is the human mind,” Eddy says. Where does the human mind figure in the RCT for drugs? But Eddy was an advocate of EBM and he used the best evidence he could find to challenge the status quo and pointed out when the evidence was weak or non-existent. That is what science does and what EBM is all about (and what homeopathy completely ignores), so I have no idea what point you think you were making. For anyone interested, Avijit has recently commented on the Quackometer article on the Swiss report and I (and several others) have replied to him, so his comments here really follows on from there. Avijit, if you choose to comment further, I remind you of the rules for comments, particularly the first one. If you post off-topic comments (ie ones like your two here that have nothing to do with the Swiss Government’s decision to withdraw reimbursement for homeopathy in 2017), I may delete them. If you want to express your opinions about the medical miracle that is homeopathy, start your own blog. Reply
….Thanks for your (wrong) opinion…….. What is wrong about the opinion? Are you a doctor in medicine? …..What other call their blogs is none of my concern nor did they ask me to help them choose a name. However, I’m fascinated to learn that you think names like whatstheharm are ‘exotic’. It’s irrelevant, of course….. For a change you are right. The contents make them irrelevant. ….Homeopathy can be derided by anyone with even a basic understanding of physics, chemistry and biology. However, if you ever spot an error in my blog, please feel free to let me know. High school science is all it takes to show homeopathy is nonsense……. ERROR? You have no clue what you are writing. Justifying high school science to run down medical science? You are not serious. Hold it. I believe you are serious. It would be good if you met a second year student at a medical college and compared your high school science with his medical science. Do come back and tell everyone what the look he gave you was. ….I only write blog posts here (although I comment on many others – as you do), but if you spot any invalid points, please feel free to point them out. I notice you’ve not done that yet…….. Let us get the basic rules corrected then you will see the answers. ….In fact many detractors do come on here (we’ve even have the great Dana Ullman making an idiotic comment, but he never returned after I corrected his wrong assertions)……….. There you go: idiotic comment- he did not return because he would have been disgusted with the idiotic responses from a dozen stupid high school science students. ………It’s homeopathy that’s a belief and certainly not based on robust evidence. If you have any robust scientific evidence for homeopathy, you might like to pass it on to the Swiss Government so you can save homeopathy there…….. I have to write about the “scientific medicine system” because this is the reference you use to run down homeopathy. So first we find out the robustness of the reference system. If the reference system is irrelevant then what is your reason to challenge homeopathy? ……You then go on to copy and paste from an article in a business magazine website… Have you forgotten that medical science spawns a large business area and is therefore of immense interest to business magazines. How can YOU be so dumb to this fact? You are in the same area. ………The figure of 15% is utterly wrong, of course. The figure of 15% comes from a small survey of GPs in the north of England in 1961 – half a century ago. Fortunately for us, much has changed in the last 50 years. But this survey was never intended to assess the degree to which GPs were evidence-based, but rather was looking at controlling prescribing costs in terms of generic versus proprietary drugs………… Why do you report incorrect facts? Go to and correct your reference. 50 years later nothing has changed. 1987 “ At the time, Kaiser was prescribing to its patients what was then a relatively new cholesterol-lowering drug, Mevacor, from Merck (MRK). “We were treating everyone who walked in the door,” recalls Dr. James Dudl, diabetes expert at the Kaiser Permanente Care Management Institute. “We thought the drug would do spectacular things.” Then read the 2009 document: ………But Eddy was an advocate of EBM and he used the best evidence he could find to challenge the status quo and pointed out when the evidence was weak or non-existent. That is what science does and what EBM is all about (and what homeopathy completely ignores), so I have no idea what point you think you were making……. You as usual have avoided what Dr. Eddy is saying- The goal of this movement is to pierce the fog that envelops the practice of medicine — a state of ignorance for which doctors cannot really be blamed. “The limitation is the human mind,” Eddy says. Eddy had built his model following a revelation. He had spent long years promoting clinical trials as the “gold standard” of medical research. But although it is better for doctors to make decisions based on clinical trial data than on instinct, trials are expensive and time-consuming. They’re also constrained by the requirement that medications be tested on carefully selected, highly specific populations (for example, diabetics who are overweight but not obese, with no past history of heart disease). Because of this, Eddy realized, trials could never fully meet the needs of policymakers who have to make sweeping decisions about patient care. Ideally, before recommending treatment protocols, you’d like to test different combinations of therapies in a variety of patients. So what is evidence based? In Dr. Eddy’s words: the scientific medical world is still in the prescientific medical days. I also saw the message where Iqbal presented negative audit results of cardiac surgery and you ask “ Don’t be silly, Mojo. If bypass ops and angioplasty don’t work, why are they so popular? Eh?” This lays out your ignorance (or double standards) about medical science. Let us first work out the correct reference and then we discuss your stupidity in the blog. Reply
Avijit said: What is wrong about the opinion? Are you a doctor in medicine? My qualificationa are irrelevant, as are yours. What does matter is whether assertions are substantiated by evidence and whether arguments are valid and sound. …..What other call their blogs is none of my concern nor did they ask me to help them choose a name. However, I’m fascinated to learn that you think names like whatstheharm are ‘exotic’. It’s irrelevant, of course….. For a change you are right. The contents make them irrelevant. If they are irrelevant, why bother to mention them in the first place. But I’m glad you agree what someone chose to call their blog is irrelevant. ….Homeopathy can be derided by anyone with even a basic understanding of physics, chemistry and biology. However, if you ever spot an error in my blog, please feel free to let me know. High school science is all it takes to show homeopathy is nonsense……. ERROR? You have no clue what you are writing. Justifying high school science to run down medical science? You are not serious. Hold it. I believe you are serious. I’ll repeat: if you spot any error, please highlight it rather than waste time with lots of hand-waving insulting rhetoric about me being ignorant. It would be good if you met a second year student at a medical college and compared your high school science with his medical science. Do come back and tell everyone what the look he gave you was. I’m really not concerned what you might personally find amusing, nor does what he or she thinks of my medical knowledge relevant to the either to what the Swiss Government report says about homeopathy or, indeed, the lack of robust scientific evidence for homeopathy. ….I only write blog posts here (although I comment on many others – as you do), but if you spot any invalid points, please feel free to point them out. I notice you’ve not done that yet…….. Let us get the basic rules corrected then you will see the answers. Yes, it’s always a good idea to get the basic rules corrected – but what rules are you talking about? You’ve not mentioned any so far. ….In fact many detractors do come on here (we’ve even have the great Dana Ullman making an idiotic comment, but he never returned after I corrected his wrong assertions)……….. There you go: idiotic comment- he did not return because he would have been disgusted with the idiotic responses from a dozen stupid high school science students. I’m not sure why you think you know what was in the mind of Ullman or what the tone of any further comments would be. Nor am I sure why you keep trying to assert – without any evidence – that everyone only has high school science knowledge. Please try to be more specific. ………It’s homeopathy that’s a belief and certainly not based on robust evidence. If you have any robust scientific evidence for homeopathy, you might like to pass it on to the Swiss Government so you can save homeopathy there…….. I have to write about the “scientific medicine system” because this is the reference you use to run down homeopathy. So first we find out the robustness of the reference system. If the reference system is irrelevant then what is your reason to challenge homeopathy? No. Homeopathy can be run down without reference to evidence-based medicine – it stands (or rather, it falls) on its own through the lack of any robust scientific evidence that it works and through the lack of a plausible mechanism of action. Do you have robust scientific evidence for homeopathy and have you passed it to the Swiss Government yet? ……You then go on to copy and paste from an article in a business magazine website… Have you forgotten that medical science spawns a large business area and is therefore of immense interest to business magazines. How can YOU be so dumb to this fact? You are in the same area. I will ask you to abide by the rules here and stop the insults. The automobile industry spawns a large business area and is therefore of immense interest to a business magazine, but that tells us nothing about how that business conducts itself. Nor does it tell us anything about homeopathy or the Swiss report. ………The figure of 15% is utterly wrong, of course. The figure of 15% comes from a small survey of GPs in the north of England in 1961 – half a century ago. Fortunately for us, much has changed in the last 50 years. But this survey was never intended to assess the degree to which GPs were evidence-based, but rather was looking at controlling prescribing costs in terms of generic versus proprietary drugs………… Why do you report incorrect facts? Go to and correct your reference. 50 years later nothing has changed. What incorrect facts? And where did your assertion that ‘Eddy liked to cite a figure that only 15% of what doctors did was backed by hard evidence’? It’s not in the article you cited or in the Wikipedia article, so where did you get it from. Do you believe it is correct and why? 1987 “ At the time, Kaiser was prescribing to its patients what was then a relatively new cholesterol-lowering drug, Mevacor, from Merck (MRK). “We were treating everyone who walked in the door,” recalls Dr. James Dudl, diabetes expert at the Kaiser Permanente Care Management Institute. “We thought the drug would do spectacular things.” Then read the 2009 document: Again, that quote is not from that article, so I don’t know what game you’re playing at here. ………But Eddy was an advocate of EBM and he used the best evidence he could find to challenge the status quo and pointed out when the evidence was weak or non-existent. That is what science does and what EBM is all about (and what homeopathy completely ignores), so I have no idea what point you think you were making……. You as usual have avoided what Dr. Eddy is saying- The goal of this movement is to pierce the fog that envelops the practice of medicine — a state of ignorance for which doctors cannot really be blamed. “The limitation is the human mind,” Eddy says. Eddy had built his model following a revelation. He had spent long years promoting clinical trials as the “gold standard” of medical research. But although it is better for doctors to make decisions based on clinical trial data than on instinct, trials are expensive and time-consuming. They’re also constrained by the requirement that medications be tested on carefully selected, highly specific populations (for example, diabetics who are overweight but not obese, with no past history of heart disease). Because of this, Eddy realized, trials could never fully meet the needs of policymakers who have to make sweeping decisions about patient care. Ideally, before recommending treatment protocols, you’d like to test different combinations of therapies in a variety of patients. So what is evidence based? In Dr. Eddy’s words: the scientific medical world is still in the prescientific medical days. I don’t know why you’re wasting your time on this straw man. No one has said that medical knowledge has reached any kind of dizzy heights of infalibility or that it should stop. However, it has moved on leaps and bounds, particularly in the last few decades. Homeopathy on the other hand, has barely changed in 200 years and is still entrenched in the pre-scientific ignorance of the Georgian Era. I also saw the message where Iqbal presented negative audit results of cardiac surgery and you ask “ Don’t be silly, Mojo. If bypass ops and angioplasty don’t work, why are they so popular? Eh?” This lays out your ignorance (or double standards) about medical science. Methinks you completely missed my point of parody. Let us first work out the correct reference and then we discuss your stupidity in the blog. Avijit: This blog post is about the Swiss homeopathy HTA, the PEK and the actions taken by the Swiss Government. If you can spot any mistakes I’ve made, then please be specific and point them out – I will be happy to correct them, assuming they are backed up by robust evidence. One final warning: stick to the topic of this blog post and stop the insults. Reply
Hi Gents, Thanks a lot for this very informative and highly inspirational article. Special thanks to Herr Rudloff for doing this vast job with all the analyze and documentation. I just “slammed” the original report in the head of a highly regarded danish homeopath (not highly regarded by me). Thereafter he completely lost the debate. Also it gave me an extraordinary chance to report the Danish Homoepathic Society to the Danish consumer-ombudsmand due to fraudulent claims on their homepage. Ill let you know if the ombudsmand “bites the hook”. By the way, this argument seems to present a dilemma for a lot of hmpts(yes, I am lazy). There we are: a bloke lies on the floor intoxicated by a lethal overdose of heroin, thus suffering from respiratory insufficiens that will strangle him from within. We have three remedies at our disposal of which we are only allowed to use two of them. One syringe, one bottle of Naloxone (that is proven to cure heroinoverdosis´) and one bottle of , say, 12C dilution of heroin. Which two remedies should we use? Any hmpt answering Syringe and Naloxone should then be questioned why we do not use the 12C, as it is curing like with like – and of cause why hmpt. is thus demonstrating a lack of trust in the 12C. Oh, hmpt might reply, we havent done the personalityassesment yet. Well – say the patient would have such a personality (as seen in his journal), why not the 12C then… And if the statement is 12C bottle:call the person a quack. I think you are all smart enough to find other harsh questions yourselves. Anyway – I am a verrrrrryyyyyy big fan of James Randi…just as I have now become a very big fan of Zeno for keeping this page “on air”. Oh – I am an openminded scientist, You know. Recently I decided to treat myself with a homoepathic remedy against a bout with high-strung stress. Yesterday, though, I forgot to take the medication – which almost instantly killed me by an overdose. Best Regards Michael Edahl, B.Sc., B.A.(merit) Reply
“But thanks mostly to homeopath Nancy Malik for highlighting the existence of the PEK report in the first place. Her contribution to the understanding of science and the continued lack of scientific evidence for homeopathy is duly noted.” Brilliant! Reply
Mr. Michael Edahl ….There we are: a bloke lies on the floor intoxicated by a lethal overdose of heroin, thus suffering from respiratory insufficiens that will strangle him from within. We have three remedies at our disposal of which we are only allowed to use two of them. One syringe, one bottle of Naloxone (that is proven to cure heroinoverdosis´) and one bottle of , say, 12C dilution of heroin. Which two remedies should we use?……. In this case you start with Nux Vomica Q 10 drops in half cup of water. Reply
Yes. Now, what do you think of the situation in Switzerland and what are homeopaths doing about the 2015 deadline? PS There’s really no need to use both my real name and my pseudonym – just the one will do. Reply
The Homeopathic ‘medicines’ is ever green because it has very less side defect rather than English medicine. Reply
Schulthess Klinik Zurich said: The Homeopathic ‘medicines’ is ever green because it has very less side defect rather than English medicine. 1. There is no such thing as ‘English medicine’. 2. Homeopathic products are not medicines because they have no medicinal action. 3. Homeopathic products have no side effects because they have no medicinal action. Reply
Wow…are we (you…) out to bash everything and anything that is cam….? The answer is quite obvious. Have you tried anything other than chemicals to heal. I have and have done so for others…Don’t bash something unless you have proved it yourself…Which I am beyond confident you have not! Reply
Many thousands of board certified homeopathic physicians work throughout the world curing ailments that allopathy can still only dream of. In France a doctor needs to complete regular medical school and then study for 3-4 years extra to learn homeopathy. Homeopathic doctors understand and are trained in both allopathy and homeopathy. During the many plagues of the 19th centlury homeopathy saved many lives, all of which is documented. All that aside, any housewife and mother who has treated her children for an acute ailment knows that homeopathy works. The ONLY reason you are still debating it, is because YOU have never tried it. Since you believe it is placebo, you have no excuse for not trying it. It’s only pennies a dose. If you are a true skeptic and not just a homeopathy basher, try it and see for yourself. Considering that over 500 million people have used and benefitted from homeopathy, degating it’s validity is like arguing whether the the combustion engine is feasible, while there are millions of cars on the road. Reply
If only you could provide good evidence for your claims without fallacious appeals to authority, popularity, etc, etc. But perhaps you’d also like to comment on the topic of this post: the Swiss homeopathy report? Reply
Some Homeopathy products are originated from natural substances like plants and minerals but others are not. It is very safe can cause harms if not sufficiently diluted or it is improperly manufactured and causes no side effects up to and including death. [Comment corrected by Admin] [Link to commenter’s website deleted to prevent harm.] Reply